Investors are often busy when they evaluate your company’s financials. The due diligence process can be made more efficient and more efficient by having all the relevant information all in one place. The way you organize and access the data can have a huge impact on their accessibility. Nobody, whether an investor or authorised person, wants to waste time sorting through a plethora of files that aren’t needed.

What should be included in a data room to investors

There are a variety of things you can do to make your investment data room stand out and increase the likelihood of getting a loan. You should ensure you provide the most relevant information, but not overwhelm or overshare.

While it is typical to include the presentation in your data room, it could not be a suitable location to include the most important information about your product, such as product roadmaps or market fit. Instead, you should include the more extensive roadmap slide in your data room, which outlines your roadmap over a defined time period and includes the most relevant information for each milestone.

You can also include a section in your data room for an overview of your team that includes more than your founders. This can provide a complete image of the team’s skills, value and tenacity and also show the amount each member owns. You can also use this as a way to create better resumes for team members. You could even include an area for your customer references to show how much you value your clients.

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098 819 818

St. 217, Sangkat Speanthmor, Khan Dangkor, Prek Chrey Market, Phnom Penh

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LP Residences has been at the forefront of Cambodia’s affordable housing development yet without sacrificing the luxurious and modern lifestyle which is highly demanded by the new generation of Cambodian people. 


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